Hello Everyone,
Namaste! Welcome to My Webpage.
I am Vishnu Bashyal, a Structural Engineer, born and raised in the tiny village of Palpa, Nepal. At present, I have been living and working with my family in Canada.
After graduating in 1995, I worked with different responsibilities in various institutions such as LEC, ACEM, and BPKMCH in Nepal. I am a life member of Mitra Kunj, NCSC and CNCA. I am a Vipassana Meditator, old students of “The Art of Living”, and “Jeevan Vigyan Foundation ”. I have worked as a Financial Advisor at WFG. I have worked in Sagoon. Inc helped Sagoon establish the “Sagoon Leaders Group” under my coordination.
I believe that success is not a wish but a combination of the right effort on the right path with the right tools with the right people. I was struggling to find out an opportunity, a platform, and an association, which I could believe, where I could spend my time, and whom I could be associated with for a long time.
In 2021, I found an excellent opportunity; an incredible platform called ONPASSIVE. ONPASSIVE has all of them in one place. I decided to make ONPASSIVE my passion; my goal and be a part of it. Since then, I have been dedicating my energy, experiences, time, and expertise to ONPASSIVE.

The objectives of this webpage are to:
- share the mission, vision, and opportunities of ONPASSIVE with my friends and families, and people all over the world.
- help people how to use the advanced tools and technologies of ONPASSIVE and uplift their businesses.
- inspire and empower affiliates by improving their intra-personal and professional skills.
- connect ONPASSIVE with people and work for its sustainability.
My Journey with ONPASSIVE
My journey with ONPASSIVE starts since March 2021, when one of my friends shared this opportunity with me. I found that my mission, vision, and career goal have synchronized with that of ONPASSIVE and our CEO/Founder Ash Mufareh.
Since then, I have attended all the company webinars as well as the webinars organized by the leaders, and participated in live events. Promoted ONPSSSIVE in different forums.

Why Should You Join ONPASSIVES?
Some of the benefits of joining ONPASSIVE are:
- You have instant access to O-MAIL, O-NET, O-TRIM, O-CONNECT, O-TRACKER. More and more products are coming soon. All these products and services enhance your productivity and boost your business. Let us help everybody to have these opportunities.
- You can be an affiliate of this massively growing company and run your own online stores/ business. Let us help everybody to have multiple sources of income.
- You can share the mission, vision, and opportunities of ONPASSIVE with your friends and families, and people all over the world. Let us work together to uplift everybody.
If you are interested in joining ONPASSIVE, you can register here and be an affiliate for free: https://o-trim.co/VishnuBashyal
After You Register
To log in to ONPASSIVE Ecosystem (OES), go to the same link that you used to register and click login at the bottom.
Look around. At the right-hand top corner, click Your Profile button. and upload your Professional Photo there. Scroll down. You will find the Be an Affiliate button. Click here, sign the NDA, and submit it. Congratulation, you will get your Referral Link now.
Go to Marketplace, you will see presently available products. Play around with them. You will see products available for trial. Get them.