Welcome to Onpassive World

Vishnu Bashyal

"Success is not a wish. It is the result of the right effort on the right path together with the right tools with the right people."
- Vishnu Bashyal

my message to everybody

Dear Friends, Hello Everyone, 

Welcome to my web page and welcome to you in my business.

As an active Founding Member of ONPASSIVE, I would like to introduce you to this IT company and share the opportunities we have on this platform.

  • ONPASSIVE has more than 50 fully automated, AI-supported, digital products equipped with advanced tools and technology including Social Media, E-Commerce, and Digital Currency in a single platform. Through this platform you can take your business to any level you want.  
  • ONPASSIVE has more than 1.4 million founding members from all over the world (new position closed).
  • ONPASSIVE has been registered in more than 200 countries, and has offices in the USA, Singapore, India, Dubai, and in Egypt. 

ONPASSIVE is a movement where all the members have equal opportunities to fully utilize their talents, experiences, and expertise for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of others.

Now is the right time to join ONPASSIVE, be an affiliate of this company, and share the opportunities we have with others. 

Finally, I would like to request you, invite you and encourage you to join ONPASSIVE and be a part of this movement. We 1.4 million founders together with all the members of ONPASSIVE family, are here to uplift humanity. Let us join and work together. Let us transfer the skills, opportunities, and the advanced tools and technology we have to the people. Let us help transform  the society  and uplift the humanity making this world a better place to live.


Onpassive is a cutting-edge AI Technology Company specializing in developing fully autonomous Software as a Service (SaaS) products for our esteemed global clientele. 

Our goal at Onpassive is to unlock the full potential of revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions that are not only easy to use but also highly adaptable and scalable.

message from the CEO & founder of ONPASSIVE

” ONPASSIVE is a disrupter in every true sense of the world. What we have accomplished, and are completing, is historical. We are not messing around. We are creating history; We are creating a value that will make you successful beyond your imagination like never before.”

– CEO, Mr. Ash Mufareh

OUR available Products


O-Mail is a universal web email platform tailored to meet the needs of businesses. It allows you to manage multiple mail accounts from different providers.


O-Trim is a custom URL shortener created by ONPASSIVE. It makes a URL easy to send, share, broadcast, and publicize on social media and other platforms.


O-Net by ONPASSIVE is a well-built social media platform that can provide you with unique and effective social media connections.


O-Connect is an online video conferencing tool with HD audio quality that provides unmatched clarity and quality to every virtual connection.


O-Tracker is a real-time IP tracking tool. This web analytics software helps you to increase conversions and revenue by providing insights into your website

Onpassive Ecosystem

ONPASSIVE Ecosystem is a centralized platform that offers a comprehensive suite of digital solutions designed to drive growth, streamline operations, and empower businesses to reach new heights.

our upcoming products

Marketing strategies